Best Deal Gout


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We just purchased this Gout, using the price cut and the free of cost shipping. Made it the best price on the net when we purchased it initially of this month. after doing a lot of research and checking out the testimonials elsewhere. I received this product about days back and am extremely happy with the product, Up until now so excellent. I am absolutely in love with this Gout, It is a high quality item and having wise functions.

Gout Description

Gout has fascinated medical writers and cultural commentators from the time of ancient Greece. Historically seen as a disease afflicting upper-class males of superior wit, genius, and creativity, it has included among its sufferers Erasmus, the Medici, Edward Gibbon, Samuel Johnson, Immanuel Kant, and Robert Browning. Gout has also been the subject of powerful medical folklore, viewed as a disease that protects its sufferers and assures long life. This dazzlingly insightful and readable book investigates the history of gout and through it offers a new perspective on medical and social history, sex, prejudice, and class, and explains why gout was gender specific.In their study of an ailment that has tormented the big toes of some big men--Kant, Samuel Johnson, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson--Porter and Rousseau turn the argument of Susan Sontag in Illness as Metaphor and AIDS and its Metaphors on its head. Sontag thinks disease should be freed of its freight of cultural associations and stigmas.

But disease and metaphor inevitably go hand in hand. This was especially true in the days when gout was mysterious, before Queen Victoria's future physician showed it was caused by uric-acid crystals producing excruciating pain in the extremities. Milton told a friend that if he were only free of gout pain, blindness would be tolerable. The pain felt "as if I was walking on my eyeballs," writes one sufferer. Since one had to be rich to live long enough to get gout, and most victims were males (many of whom drank port laced with gout-intensifying lead), it won a reputation as just punishment for high living, and even a kind of badge of meritocratic honor. It was God's gift to caricaturists like Hogarth, Cruikshank, and Gillray. George Eliot used gout as a symbol for a sick society in Middlemarch. The data fascinates, but the professors don't wear their learning lightly. Still, they do score some good phrases. Explaining that there aren't many portraits of gout sufferers because few victims would pose, they write, "Who wants to be remembered as a septuagenarian freak of Falstaffian glob?" --Tim Appelo

Gout Features

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Gout even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : A fashionable ailment
This is the third review I have written on Socio-medical histories by Roy Porter. I read and reviewed this book, "Gout - the Patrician Malady" at the same time as his more general medical histories "Cambridge Illustrated History: Medicine" - and "The Greatest Benefit to Mankind". I wanted to compare these books with Porter's work on more specific topics. Porter mentions Gout in passing in both his general histories, but I wondered how he would deal with a more specific subject which had the space of an entire book to develop.

He certainly brings the same light writing style to this book as he does to his other subjects and I it made fun reading for what at times could have been very dull and dry.

Porter turns a medical subject into a very interesing social history, he overlays the historical recognition of Gout, its rise in prevalance and treatment, as well as the development of it as a fashionable, upper-class ailment very well. He does this by...

Pay attention to The Testimonials from Other Buyers
Everything anyone ever wrote about gout
An overview of, apparently, everything anyone ever wrote about the gout. Well, not quite "anyone": it's very much Euro-centric, indeed from the 17th century on it's almost exclusively Anglo-centric. And not quite "ever": it pretty much stops with the dawn of the 20th century, except for one Wizard of Id cartoon. But when I say "everything" I mean EVERYTHING, to the point of tedium. Thoroughness is generally a good quality, and it's very very thorough--40 pages of endnotes (which are not lengthy digressions: most are simple one-line citations), 50+ pages of bibliography--but lordy, there's no *there* there. In particular, I would have liked, either at the beginning or the end, a precis of the modern medical interpretation of what gout is, to compare and contrast with evolving interpretations over the ages. And besides "regular" gout, more explanation of what earlier centuries were talking about with their irregular gout, flying gout, wandering gout, retrocedent gout, and various other...

Was hoping for more...
Many interesting points in this book, but it was all very disorganized, and all too often the most interesting moments were curtailed with a short "there's not enough space here to cover that." The language of the book is overbearingly pedantic to no great effect, obscuring rather than clarifying the arguments. On the other hand, the subject matter is fascinating, and if you sift through a lot of nonsense, you can get a great overview of how the concept of disease generally -- and one in particular -- works it way through history and culture.


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