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John Details

"Have you ever done urine therapy, used your own pee as a cure?" "No, of course not, I didn't even know it existed if it does, how disgusting." "You have done urine therapy." "Are you crazy? I just told you I don't know what you're talking about." "You have done intensive urine therapy--the last six months of your gestation in your mother's womb you were covered day and night in your own pee, you even drank it non stop." Silence. "Every man woman and child that has ever been born has done intensive urine therapy, it is nature's way of making you. You have done urine therapy, whether you like it or not." ...from JOHN, by John Korffy Arrnet

John Features

If you are searching for a John, so i high recommended this item to you. I bought this item at a price that offers in United States.

John even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : A fantastic yet plausible (and valuable) book
"John" (another John, not I) is a fantastic, yet plausible novel. "John" leads you through a life that begins on a garbage dump in India and winds up in an entirely different place and life-style. The book includes a long and extremely valuable section on naturopathy, homeopathy and other alternate systems of health and cures. This book is well worth it both for its fascinating story and its cures. You will be lucky to have it.

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