The PCOS* Protection Plan: How to Cut Your Increased Risk of Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity, and High Blood Pressure Big Discount

The PCOS* Protection Plan: How to Cut Your Increased Risk of Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity, and High Blood Pressure

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The PCOS* Protection Plan: How to Cut Your Increased Risk of Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity, and High Blood Pressure Explanation

        Do you struggle with your weight? Have irregular periods (or none at all)? Get acne? Notice thinning hair? Or do you have to deal with unwanted facial and body hair? If you have any of these problems, the chances are fairly good that you have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), along with one in ten women.
        We now know that women with PCOS are more likely to get diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity and its related health problems; and research is currently linking PCOS to a host of other health complications as well. And while you might see this as a frightening glimpse into the future, at least women with PCOS can look future health risks in the eye and then do something right now to reduce them instead of never knowing what could be around the corner.
        That something is the PCOS Protection Plan, an action plan written by women with PCOS for women with PCOS—to help you take control of your health so that you can significantly reduce the risk of serious health conditions.

The PCOS* Protection Plan: How to Cut Your Increased Risk of Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity, and High Blood Pressure Features

If you are looking for a The PCOS* Protection Plan: How to Cut Your Increased Risk of Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity, and High Blood Pressure, so i high suggested this item to you. I bought this hot product at a price that offers in U.S.A.

The PCOS* Protection Plan: How to Cut Your Increased Risk of Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity, and High Blood Pressure even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Very inspiring
The PCOS Protection Plan is geared towards women who have already been diagnosed with the syndrome and are looking for information about diet and lifestyle changes that can help them manage their symptoms and reduce their risk of future serious health problems. Very little background information about PCOS is provided.

Part One covers the health risks associated with PCOS (diabetes, obesity, heart disease, hypertension, etc.). Causes, risk factors, and warnings signs are discussed. Part Two covers the protection plan: diet and lifestyle changes that can help reduce and control symptoms and future health risks. Part Three covers motivation, medications and alternative therapies, and continuing research. Part Four offers PCOS-friendly recipes. There is also a glossary, extensive lists for resources and further reading, and a good index.

I have just finished reading a copy of this book from the library but I plan to buy it because it will be a very useful...

Look at Other Buyer Testimonial
Usual useless crap.
The authors reiterate the same advice that every PCOS sufferer already knows, but they spice it up with a liberal dose of fear mongering. The tone is smug and self-congratulatory and they're basically recycling older books in a new package.

Excellent resource
I suggest learning the basics of PCOS online after you are diagnosed and then reading this book to get more information. It is an excellent resource for a woman with PCOS and their loved ones. I have PCOS and I let my fiancee read it as well so he could understand the syndrome. I learned a lot, including the best diet to prevent a lot of the complications that come with and can arise from PCOS. It is a very comprehensive book and it covers all of the topics you will need to know after receiving a diagnosis of PCOS.


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