Best Buy Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food

Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food

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Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food Description

Deep Nutrition illustrates how our ancestors used nourishment to sculpt their anatomy, engineering bodies of extraordinary health and beauty. The length of our limbs, the shape of our eyes, and the proper function of our organs are all gifts of our ancestor's collective culinary wisdom. Citing the foods of traditional cultures from the Ancient Egyptians and the Maasai to the Japanese and the French, the Shanahans identify four food categories all the world's healthiest diets have in common, the Four Pillars of World Cuisine. Using the latest research in physiology and genetics, Dr. Shanahan explains why your family's health depends on eating these foods. In a world of competing nutritional ideologies, Deep Nutrition gives us the full picture, empowering us to take control of our destiny in ways we might never have imagined.

Deep Nutrition is an approved textbook for these health professionals and can be purchased using CEU monies. See the Numedix website for more information.
  • Registered Dietitians
  • Diet Technicians
  • Certified Diabetes Educators
  • Nurses
  • Certified Athletic Trainers
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Licensed Clinical Social Workers
  • Licensed Educational Psychologists
  • Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors

Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food Features

If you are trying to find a Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food, so i highly recommended this hot product to you. I bought this item at a price that offers in USA.

Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : This Book Gets 10 Stars on a Scale of 5
Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food by Catherine and Luke Shanahan (she's an MD) is now in my own personal Top Ten books of all time. I could never say enough good things about this book; it's off the charts.

I'm a health nut from way back, always telling my friends the latest about Omega-3's, the horrors of trans-fats, the crucial need for Vitamin D and more. I learned most of it first from my sister, I admit, but I found Barry Sears by myself. My sis actually has a 1938 publication by Weston Price, and first got going with Adele Davis. I've read countless books, magazine articles, newsletters, and manuals trying to understand what's what. I'd trade all I've ever read about diet, nutrition, and health food for the book produced by Catherine and Luke Shanahan.

Regarding the massive amount of research these two have done, they have really sifted the chaff from the wheat. (Oh, but too bad about that metaphor, wheat is kind of on the outs now for...

Pay attention to The Reviews from Other Buyers
Good, but not Great. Falls short of Weston A Price principles
I really, really thought I would love this book. I had been wanting to buy it for a year or so and finally when I found out I was pregnant (with #3) I had the justification I needed to go ahead :)

I was unsure of whether to give this book 4 or 3 stars...I still would recommend it, just with some reservations.

Shanahan does a good job of explaining why and how sugar/HFCS is so terrible for us. Good knowledge to keep in mind whenever the cravings hit. the biochemical chaos that ensues from eating very much of these foods is down right scary.

She also does a good job of explaining why and how transfat and industrial seed oils (canola, soy, corn, etc) are the real big kahuna of unhealthy foods; she follows up with why traditional fats like butter, coconut oil, EVOO are beneficial. this is something I already took to heart (no pun intended!) and I think she did a pretty good job of illustrating this point.

She has a very good chapter on collagen...

Powerful and Deep Nutrition
I just finished reading Deep Nutrition, Twice.

As a cardiologist, the first time I read it was to see what was in there. I found it to be very interesting. She gets down to the facts quite well. At the same time, I found a fascinating presentation of nutrition, genetics, anthropology, history, medicine, metabolism, and cooking. It is a book that I can refer to my patients as a resource, and to colleagues as a reference.

The second time I read it was right after the first. I realized that there was so much information in there,so "nutrient dense", that I had to read it again to really "consume and digest" (parden the puns, but no other way to say it) the wealth of information.

I recommend this book highly to anyone who is interested in food, nutrition, or metabolism, and in fact I recommend it to anyone who consumes food and nutrition, that is, anyone who can read and has a life. You will be thankful that you invested the time to read it.


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