Gastrointestinal Health Third Edition: The Proven Nutritional Program to Prevent, Cure, or Alleviate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ulcers, Gas, ... Heartburn, and Many Other Digestive Disorders Big SALE

Gastrointestinal Health Third Edition: The Proven Nutritional Program to Prevent, Cure, or Alleviate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ulcers, Gas, ... Heartburn, and Many Other Digestive Disorders

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We just purchased this Gastrointestinal Health Third Edition: The Proven Nutritional Program to Prevent, Cure, or Alleviate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ulcers, Gas, ... Heartburn, and Many Other Digestive Disorders, using the price cut and the cost-free shipping after reading a few of the prior reviews prior to purchasing the item. Up until now so great. I am entirely in love with this item from Harper Perennial, Made it the very best price on the net when we bought it first of this month.

Gastrointestinal Health Third Edition: The Proven Nutritional Program to Prevent, Cure, or Alleviate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ulcers, Gas, ... Heartburn, and Many Other Digestive Disorders Details

Do you suffer from heartburn? Is an ulcer bothering you? Are the difficult symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome compromising your life? If so, you are not alone. You are that one out of every three Americans that suffers from chronic digestive problems.

Whether it's constipation, diarrhea, gas, hemorrhoids, ulcers, heartburn, colitis, gallstones, or one of the many other digestive tract problems, Dr. Steven Peikin's self-help nutritional program will help keep you out of the doctor's office—and feeling great.

Based on the latest research and his own clinical experience, Dr. Peikin prescribes a healthy diet high in fiber and low in fat, spices, lactose, and caffeine. He provides a detailed list of "flag foods" to avoid in the case of specific problems; shows you how to use exercise, over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, and stress management to complement the program; and offers advice for coordinating the program with weight loss (or weight gain), working with medical professionals, and measuring progress.

"Highly recommended for its thorough coverage, sound advice, and healthy suggestions,"* Gastrointestinal Health—now revised and updated with the latest information on new drugs and research—is everything you need to know to find fast relief from a wide range of gastrointestinal difficulties.

Library Journal

Gastrointestinal Health Third Edition: The Proven Nutritional Program to Prevent, Cure, or Alleviate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ulcers, Gas, ... Heartburn, and Many Other Digestive Disorders Features

If you are seeking a Gastrointestinal Health Third Edition: The Proven Nutritional Program to Prevent, Cure, or Alleviate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ulcers, Gas, ... Heartburn, and Many Other Digestive Disorders, so i high advised this product to you. I bought this hot item at a price that offers in U.S.A.

Gastrointestinal Health Third Edition: The Proven Nutritional Program to Prevent, Cure, or Alleviate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ulcers, Gas, ... Heartburn, and Many Other Digestive Disorders even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Gastrointestinal Health by Peikin MD
This book is very useful for a wide constituency of physicians
and patients . It is helpful for gastrointestinal, neurologic
and rhematological problems. The author treats the nutritional
dimension of our health. For instance, milk may harm ulcers
and exacerbate other problems in the GI tract. Spicy foods may
aggravate inflammations. The author explains that the small
intestine digests proteins and splits amino acids and enzymes.
The digestive system interacts with the circulatory system.
Nutrients travel to the liver which secretes bile and removes
toxins from injested foods. With the exception of fats, all
nutrients enter the bloodstream via the liver. Undigested
fiber evacuates. White bread, chocolate and pastas clog the
digestive system. Spasms aggravate existing digestive disorders.
These spasms may take the form of abdomenal discomfort,
IBS, Crohns Disease and diverticulosis. Pancreatitis is a

Other Purchaser Saying
This book was a lifesaver
I suffered for a year before this book came to my rescue. Once I started having stabbing pains after I ate, a friend let me borrow her copy to seek some relief. After an endoscopy and a trip to the emergency room with excrutiating pain, I finally consulted the book and learned that my problem may go further than acid reflux. At my second trip to the ER I insisted on having my gallbladder tested. The ER doctor was not interested in going that direction, but he placated me and let me have an ultrasound. That revealed that I had an enlarged gallbladder and gallstones. I had surgery the next day to remove the gallbladder. Had I not read the book and become informed, there is no telling how much longer I would have had to suffer (the ER docs were content with medicating me and sending me home and not trying to figure out what was wrong). It helps to educate yourself when you know something is not right with your body, because doctors do not know everything. I had seen two doctors...

White Sugar Is A Poison
I read the earlier edition of this book and have the new edition. I thought it was good enough to buy the second edition.

If you ever watch the commercials on TV during the evening news you would think pretty much everyone in the United States has something wrong with their stomach. That is not too far off.

I've seen tv commercials encouraging teenagers to start taking laxatives.

This book is good because it gives real life examples and doesn't try to tell anyone to always eat pefectly which is basically impossible and even if it is possible the person would die of monotony probably. For example I used to eat 3 or 4 pork chops at one meal but the book says meat should not be as significant a part of the diet. This causes you to lose weight also in a safe way.

The biggest thing I think is the part about exercise. The book says go for a long walk every night.

If you do this and also identify things you may not be able to digest...


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