Special Discount The Vitamin Cure for Diabetes: Prevent and Treat Diabetes Using Nutrition and Vitamin Supplementation

The Vitamin Cure for Diabetes: Prevent and Treat Diabetes Using Nutrition and Vitamin Supplementation

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The Vitamin Cure for Diabetes: Prevent and Treat Diabetes Using Nutrition and Vitamin Supplementation Description

Most people's diets are woefully inadequate for providing proper nutrition. Even good diets fail to deliver sufficient levels of nutrients. The Vitamin Cure book series highlights the safe and clinically effective use of vitamin supplements for a variety of illnesses. Research continues to prove the immense value of vitamins for maintaining health and fighting disease. The Vitamin Cure books, written by authors who are recognized experts in their field, deliver authoritative, up-to-date, and practical information on taking vitamins for particular health problems. There is an epidemic of diabetes and the problem is only getting worse. More than 220 million people worldwide have diabetes, and over 3 million people die from the consequences of the disease each year. Diabetes deaths will double by the year 2030. Diabetes mellitus affects the use of sugar (glucose) in the body, either because the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells do not respond to it. High levels of blood glucose become toxic to many tissues and organs and may result in blindness, kidney failure, brain and nerve damage, heart disease, and rapidly developing atherosclerosis. Fortunately, there is an answer. The Vitamin Cure for Diabetes can help the majority of diabetics come off all or most medications by changing their lifestyle, eating a healthier diet, starting to exercise, and taking nutraceuticals. This book provides a complete supplement program (vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements) that can prevent or delay the onset of diabetes. Readers will learn how to optimally manage, or even prevent, diabetes for themselves and for their loved ones.

The Vitamin Cure for Diabetes: Prevent and Treat Diabetes Using Nutrition and Vitamin Supplementation Features

If you are seeking a The Vitamin Cure for Diabetes: Prevent and Treat Diabetes Using Nutrition and Vitamin Supplementation, so i highly suggested this hot product to you. I bought this hot product at a price that offers in United States.

The Vitamin Cure for Diabetes: Prevent and Treat Diabetes Using Nutrition and Vitamin Supplementation even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Good supplement info
This book is written by an expert in the field and contains a lot of good information. Dr Ian E. Brighthope talks in this book about the different types of diabetes (there are more than just two), the vital need to avoid junk food, sugar and large amounts of processed starch, and the need for properly dosed and chosen nutritional supplements along with a healthy diet.

This book contains only a very small amount of dietary information and what is included could be of better quality to be fair. The information on sugar being a toxic chemical is very good. But the awful DASH diet is supported, despite the fact the science on low-salt diets is dodgy and unrefined sea salt has many health benefits. So is the Mediterranean diet, with lots of legumes and starch in. Only a sentence or so is included about the need for some people to limit carbohydrate intake quite severely, and that some people do best eliminating foods such as legumes and grains. Food allergies or intolerances or...

Listen to The Testimonials from Various other Buyers
Excellent information
This book provides clear and easy to understand information. We have already found great benefits by adding these supplements. My husband's blood sugar levels (Type 1) are levelling and he's beginning to feel healthier. I'm hoping for even greater benefits as we stay on the supplements. I'm very grateful for the excellent information Ian Brighthope provides.

informative and helpful
I bought this book for a relative who has diabetes, so she can be more informed and pro-active about her condition.
I read it before passing it on and found it to be extremely informative and helpful. This is information that we should all know.


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