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The Interstitial Cystitis Survival Guide: Your Guide to the Latest Treatment Options and Coping Strategies

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I will offer interesting details for you, you can obtain a The Interstitial Cystitis Survival Guide: Your Guide to the Latest Treatment Options and Coping Strategies at a very low-cost rate especially for Present. But prior to you continue reviewing, please see testimonials regarding The Interstitial Cystitis Survival Guide: Your Guide to the Latest Treatment Options and Coping Strategies listed here

The Interstitial Cystitis Survival Guide: Your Guide to the Latest Treatment Options and Coping Strategies Details

If you are one of more than 700,000 American who suffers from interstitial cystitis (IC), you probably know its symptoms of recurring bladder pain and other discomforts can have a devastating impact on the quality of life—for both you and your family. Often misdiagnosed, IC sufferers are routinely put through a battery of unfamiliar tests, prescribed a variety of medications, or even encouraged to have surgical interventions.

If you’ve experienced the medical system runaround or live in dread of your next IC flare-up, The Interstitial Surcvival Guide offers both real help and hope. This self-care guide is designed to uncomplicate the process and empower you to make sure you are getting the most appropriate treatment for your condition. Dr. Robert Moldwin, director of the Interstitial Cystitis Center in Long Island, NY, helps you:

  • Gain a clear understanding of what IC is and how it’s diagnosed
  • Evaluate the latest medications and their side effects
  • Make informed decisions about surgery and other treatment options
  • Learn the latest, most up-to-date medical, nonmedical, and alternative strategies for managing and reducing symptoms

The Interstitial Cystitis Survival Guide: Your Guide to the Latest Treatment Options and Coping Strategies Features

If you are looking for a The Interstitial Cystitis Survival Guide: Your Guide to the Latest Treatment Options and Coping Strategies, so i highly suggested this item to you. I bought this product at a price that offers in U.S.A.

The Interstitial Cystitis Survival Guide: Your Guide to the Latest Treatment Options and Coping Strategies even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Good book with an understanding doctor's guidance.
I usually do not get self-help books, but since finding out for the second time in twenty years that I have full blown IC and being told to read some books on this...well, if I have to do it, this is an excellent book for reference. It is hard to find physicians that are willing to treat their women patients and the female public at large as if we have half a brain. This doctor writes clearly and concisely, but he doesn't 'dummy' down the topic, nor does he patronize the women who are going to be the major group purchasing this book.

The last time I was diagnosed with IC was in 1983. Apparently things have changed significantly in this field since then. When I was first diagnosed I was only 24 or so, and it was hell trying to get anyone to recognize I had a 'real' problem which was not female related, nor was it 'all in my head'. My husband and I were frantic to find a solution, and at that time they did not understand what was causing this nor basic treatments for it, though they...

Hear The Testimonials from Other Buyers
Chronic IC Sufferer
While I commend Dr. Moldwin for writing this kind of book, I feel it falls short of being a true survival manual for IC patients. The content is excellent,.... Certainly being presented by a doctor lends the information even more credibility and eliminates the bias of some of the other sites. But Dr. Moldwin doesn't go beyond the "politically correct" boundaries in his descriptions of the potential risks associated with many of the standard procedures. Far too many people with IC have experienced severe reactions to the various invasive procedures (cystoscopy, hydrodistension, and bladder instillations) that the mere mention that some patients may feel a little worse afterwards just doesn't match up with reality. I know that there is a strong fear amongst IC support providers that telling all the truth may scare people away from "needed" treatment, but not knowing the truth unfortunately does NOT prevent these bad reactions from happening!

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Destined to be read by all patients & MDs
Dr. Moldwin is known not only for his knowledge of and interest in IC but also his care for the IC patients in his clinic. As we reviewed the book, it became clear that he has truly listened to the concerns of the men and women with IC. He also understands the dilemmas that many physicians face as they seek effective treatments. He has responded to both needs by writing an IC Survival Guide filled with useful information & strategies. It is exceptionally well written and an ideal book for physicians and patients who want a thoughtful and organized discussion of IC, patient care, treatment strategies and related research.

His discussion of IC treatment options is the most comprehensive we've seen to date, with explanations on how the treatment is supposed to work as well as known research results and side effects. In addition to the old standards (DMSO, Elmiron & others), he also covers most of the newer proposed treatments (BCG, Capsaicin, etc.). These chapters...


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