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Acupuncture: How It Works, How It Cures

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We just bought this Acupuncture: How It Works, How It Cures, utilizing the discount and the free shipping after reviewing a few of the previous testimonials prior to purchasing the item. Up until now so great. I am entirely in love with this product from McGraw-Hill, Made it the very best price on the internet when we bought it first of this month.

Acupuncture: How It Works, How It Cures Explanation

Acupuncture: How it Works, How it Cures gives a solid overview of the theories behind the science, illustrating all the main concepts clearly and colorfully. The book explains how acupuncture can work in conjunction with Western medicine, and it maps the different meridians, energy zones of the body that determine needle placement. It also delineates the traditional Chinese medical concepts of dampness, dryness, wind, cold, and heat, which acupuncturists use to diagnose patients. For example, a person whose pain spreads throughout the body would be said to have "an excess of wind,&qout; and a person who is "too cold" will be lethargic and experience sharp, rather than aching, pain. Hill and Firebrace list dozens of ailments that acupuncture can treat, but they admit its limits as well. The book also delves briefly into herbalism and lists resources for finding a practitioner.

Acupuncture: How It Works, How It Cures Features

If you are trying to find a Acupuncture: How It Works, How It Cures, so i high suggested this product to you. I bought this hot product at a price that offers in United States of America.

Acupuncture: How It Works, How It Cures even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Great Introduction To Acupuncture
Firebrace has written an excellent introduction to acupuncture, especially for those interested in brevity and highly accessible reading. Recommended for those being treated with acupuncture or for those that may be interested in acupuncture treatment, but not in an exhaustive deliberation on Chinese medicine. If you desire a good basic understanding of this health system this book will serve you well. If you require more discussion and detail then start with "The Web That Has No Weaver," and branch out from there.

The text is somewhat dated, but this does not take away from the basics you will acquire from this reading. The case studies are not necessarily outdated in this case, as they are used to illustrate a concept that holds true regardless of historical context.

Again, this book amply serves its purpose as a basic introduction. Take it for what it is and you will not be disappointed.

What Other Purchaser claim?
Accupuncture How it Works
A real "where the rubber meets the road" read. For those who want to know more about the complete approach through accupuncture, Peter and Sandra do an excellent job in shedding all the light needed. An A-Z what I would term as a "handbook" on Accupuncture. I wish I had known about this book prior to my first treatment! A must read. L Jackson Olivebridge, NY

Out of date
The book is OK for the layman. However it doesn't really get into how it works and how it cures. The case studies are also very old. However, it is an easy read and great for those who have never heard of Chinese Medicine before.

A better book is
the web that has no weaver &
Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine.


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