Zen and the Art of Well Being Best Seller

Zen and the Art of Well Being

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Zen and the Art of Well Being Details

Filled with sound advice, practical suggestions and self-evaluation tests and exercises, this book is sure to motivate you into making simple and effective changes that will increase your physical strength and energy levels, and bring greater self-esteem, purpose and joy to your everyday life and relationships.

Drawing on Zen principles, Eric Chaline demonstrates how a greater sense of well-being can be gained through stretching, aerobic and weight-resistance training and through a deeper awareness of our bodies, diet and emotional state.

Zen and the Art of Well Being Features

If you are trying to find a Zen and the Art of Well Being, so i high recommended this hot product to you. I bought this hot product at a price that offers in United States of America.

Zen and the Art of Well Being even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : A Breath of Fresh Zen
I was thoroughly pleased to find Zen and the art of well-being surprisingly fresh. How many times does one purchase a book on the topic and find the pages littered with useless information or worse yet, filled with to-do's and not to-do's. Eric Chaline's brevity and insight into his own experiences, I believe, are easy to understand and relate to. I felt this book allowed me to ponder the ideas instead of studying the text,and I highly reccomend this to anyone begining their research into Zen.

Look at Other Buyer Review
Common sense wrapped in flowery language
The author's flowery prose really came down to three things you need to do to achieve "well being".

1. Eat right
2. Exercise regularly
3. Get enough sleep

I was really hoping the author had some truly fresh ideas on achieving that inner peace we are all striving for in our too-fast paced lives. Unfortunately, all I got was something I learned from my parents and Sesame Street.

Misleading title, but still an interesting book
/Zen and the Art of Well Being/ is more interested in well-being than lots of blathering about Zen. A lot of what is presented in this book is not really Zen or Buddhist at all, with the author preferring to cover a variety of subjects on wellness - both physical and spiritual. Most of the material *is* inspired by Eastern technique and philosophy though.

A diverse range of topics are covered, in 'lite' detail: tai chi, physical and emotional self-tests, qi gong (chi kung), meditation, the "Alexander Technique" for back pain problems, and so forth. Each of these topics is interspersed amongst the eightfold path of Buddhism, but in a lot of cases the exercises and techniques detailed have little or nothing to do with the part of the path being highlighted.

If you are looking for a general handbook on how to improve various aspects of your life, /Zen and the Art of Well Being/ is indeed a good starting point. It offers a gentle introduction to discovering where you are and...


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