The Sugar Control Bible and Cookbook: The Complete Nutrition Guide to Revitalizing Your Health Best Price

The Sugar Control Bible and Cookbook: The Complete Nutrition Guide to Revitalizing Your Health

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I did have some issues after reading some of the prior reviews prior to buying the unit. After utilizing the unit now for time I can state I've had zero concerns and the unit has actually performed perfect. We simply purchased this The Sugar Control Bible and Cookbook: The Complete Nutrition Guide to Revitalizing Your Health, using the discount and the free of cost shipping. Made it the best price on the internet when we bought it initially of this month.

The Sugar Control Bible and Cookbook: The Complete Nutrition Guide to Revitalizing Your Health Explanation

Complete nutrition guide to a pleasurable and satisfying program that revitalizes your health by getting you off the sugar/refined foods roller coaster. This prescription for health uses higher protein, low glycemic foods and healthy fats for greater energy, clearer thinking, balanced emotions, and a stronger immune system. How the popular high-carbohydrate/low-fat diets have been making you sick and what to do about it.

The Sugar Control Bible and Cookbook: The Complete Nutrition Guide to Revitalizing Your Health Features

If you are seeking a The Sugar Control Bible and Cookbook: The Complete Nutrition Guide to Revitalizing Your Health, so i high advised this item to you. I bought this item at a price that offers in U.S.A.

The Sugar Control Bible and Cookbook: The Complete Nutrition Guide to Revitalizing Your Health even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : A new me!
My doctor introduced me to this way of eating by having me try the two week plan. I had my reservations and all the reasons why I could not follow it. but I said I'd try it for two weeks--but no more. I began eating the Sugar Control Program three months ago and will never go back to my old way of eating. I have so much more energy now and I like the food. I'm never hungry and grocery shopping is so very easy: I shop on the outside paramenters of the grocery store. In otherwords, I eat all fresh food now.

I bought the book to learn more about why this works and found it to be very helpful in learning how the body handles nutrients and what the body needs to function properly. Ms Paltis also gives some background on TBM (Total BOdy modification) and using functional physiology in learning how the body works. This book is a great guide and reference if you want to learn improved ways of functioning.

Various other Purchaser Stating
Saved my life
This book saved both mine and my husbands life. We each lost 40lbs (no exercise!) - and for the first time in my 33 years of life my body responded to it by giving me a regular menstrual cycle - since i was a teen I would only get my period every once every couple of years. It had been 6 years since my last cycle when i started this diet within 7 days I got my period and have had a 28 day regular cycle ever since. It blew my doctors away.

My husband who comes from a long line of sleep apnea sufferers, within 5 days on this 'diet' stopped snoring completely. He went from only sleeping 2 hours a night to 8 straight hours. His depression (from us losing everything in hurricane Katrina) went away and I can even tell when he does accidentally get some sugar in his diet becuase he snores a little. But when he is strict on the program - no snoring - no leg kicking - no sleep apnea. AMAZING!

I feel like the love child of Tom Arnold and Robin Williams this way of life...

A True Wake-up Call
I decided to buy this book after my chiropractor put me on this diet to help with the chronic lower back pain I've been dealing with for about 6 months now. So I bought the book to learn more about this crazy diet I was supposed to follow. I read the book cover to cover in about 2 days. Not only are all of the nutritional facts fascinating, it was also wonderful to read about how she came to this diet herself and the success her patients have had with it.

I can proudly say that by following this diet, under the supervision of my chiropractor, I feel better than I have in months. The pain isn't completely gone yet, but I've made significant improvements in a short month's time, compared to the endless months I spent in physical therapy and seeing countless other doctors who were simply trying to treat my symptoms.

This diet is actually quite easy to follow, and Paltis does a great job answering the most common questions that naturally arise when one considers...


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