Censured for Curing Cancer: The American Experience of Dr. Max Gerson Top Price

Censured for Curing Cancer: The American Experience of Dr. Max Gerson

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I will certainly offer interesting information for you, you can get a Censured for Curing Cancer: The American Experience of Dr. Max Gerson at a very low-cost rate especially for Now. But before you proceed reading through, please see testimonials regarding Censured for Curing Cancer: The American Experience of Dr. Max Gerson listed here

Censured for Curing Cancer: The American Experience of Dr. Max Gerson Details

Author: S.J. Haught
Paperback: 135 pages
Publisher: Gerson Institute
Language: English
S.J. Haught interviewed Dr. Gerson for his story, "The Unveiling of a Quack." Instead he wrote a story that he describes as about "a man who by absolute record had cured people of cancer, including children, and his incredibly courageous and lonely fight against the forces of organized medicine."

Censured for Curing Cancer: The American Experience of Dr. Max Gerson Features

If you are looking for a Censured for Curing Cancer: The American Experience of Dr. Max Gerson, so i high suggested this product to you. I bought this hot item at a price that offers in USA.

Censured for Curing Cancer: The American Experience of Dr. Max Gerson even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : How a cure for cancer was suppressed for 50 years.
Mr. Haught, an investigative journalist, started out to do an expose on a "quack", and soon found himself writing about a grand conspiracy to suppress a holistic cure for cancer. He details the coverup of Dr. Gerson's work with documentary evidence from books, newspapers and even the Congressional Record.

This book is inspiring for patients with advanced cancer, since there are many stories of patients alive years after their physicians sent them home to die, including five presented by Dr. Gerson to the Pepper-Neely Subcommittee of the Senate in 1946. It is also maddening and frustrating to realize that millions of people have died unnecessarily of cancer because the AMA does not consider the therapy "scientific".

The book will make you want to cry, after you are finished screaming in frustration at big medicine.

Other Buyer Pointing out

Hope for the hopeless
Years ago while researching therapeutic nutrition I discovered the work of Dr. Max Gerson, a German physician. He nutritionally treated hopeless health cases and often terminally ill patients with the diet he developed through years of trial and error. In 2005 after my cancer surgery I incorporated his diet and nutritional supplements into my traditional medical treatment. I would strongly recommend this book detailing Dr. Max Gerson's lifetime of research and medical practice to anyone needing more than traditional medical treatment can provide. The book also discusses some of the difficulties he encountered with the traditional medical community of that time, for they were not wholistic thinking healers in those days. There are other useful books available that detail Dr. Max Gerson's diet and successes.


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