Special Discount Heartburn Cured: The Low Carb Miracle

Heartburn Cured: The Low Carb Miracle

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We simply purchased this Heartburn Cured: The Low Carb Miracle, using the discount and the complimentary shipping. Made it the finest cost on the internet when we purchased it first of this month. after doing a lot of research and checking out the testimonials somewhere else. I received this product about days ago and am really happy with the item, So far so good. I am entirely in love with this Heartburn Cured: The Low Carb Miracle, It is a high quality product and having smart functions.

Heartburn Cured: The Low Carb Miracle Explanation

Did you know that you can stop acid reflux immediately and permanently with out using any drugs? What if someone told you that fats, coffee, alcohol, spices and even smoking are not triggers for acid reflux and it had all been a big mistake? What if someone provided evidence that the small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) was responsible for the acid reflux and the huge increase in the rate of esophageal cancer? What if someone told you that GERD was not really a disease so much as our body's way of coping with a neolithic diet that paleolithic humans did not evolve with? Heartburn Cured makes a compelling argument that consuming certain carbohydrates is the root cause and real trigger for acid reflux and the resulting complications like Barrett's and esophageal cancer. This breakthrough diet book is written by a microbiologist who suffered from chronic heartburn for 20 years before getting fed up with an uninformed and out of touch medical establishment content with prescribing drugs that either did not work or were associated with serious side effects and health problems like pneumonia, osteoporosis, C diff and SIBO. In Heartburn Cured, the author explains the role of intestinal microorganisms in digestion and provides clear and easy to understand evidence that carbohydrate malabsorption leads to SIBO and resulting gas that drives acid reflux (and IBS symptoms as well). This book, Heartburn Cured delivers a death blow to heartburn and GERD by harnessing the glycemic index to free you from GERD and heartburn as well as the PPIs, H2 blockers and even antacids.

Heartburn Cured: The Low Carb Miracle Features

If you are looking for a Heartburn Cured: The Low Carb Miracle, so i highly recommended this product to you. I bought this hot item at a price that offers in USA.

Heartburn Cured: The Low Carb Miracle even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Hello Dr. Robillard...
I have wanted to get in touch with you for some time now to let you know my results after reading your book...

Just like you claim, my symptoms (heartburn & coughing) were gone in 2 days. Four days later i stopped taking the PPI drug. A week later i was able to lay flat in bed as opposed to a 60-degree angle. What's more, i have lost almost 20 lbs. I have discovered through your method that my netcarb threshold is around 40g/day, hence the dramatic & continued weightloss- i feel so much better.

I have been telling everyone about your book and the diet (without giving too much away) And i've given out all those cards you included.

Thanks so much for your research, putting this material together and making it available!

Best to you!


Other Buyer Stating
I was very enthusiastic to apply the diet recommended by the author of this book. In theory it looked like it could be the answer to my Acid Reflux problems. It took me a few days to reduce my Carb intake to the level he suggested. I did lose weight, but sadly there was no difference to the acid reflux going up to my throat at night even though I slept on a wedge pillow. I stayed at the lowest level of Carb intake as recommended by the author for 3 weeks, then went up to the next level. This morning as I write this review I have been religiously following the diet recommended by the author for nearly a month. I'm sad to say that for me this did not cure my acid reflux/Gerd.
This is an update to my original review for Norm Robillard's book.
After reading the book and doing the lowest level of the Carb intake diet for 3 weeks, I saw no change as already mentioned above in my initial review...

What a lifesaver of a book!
You cannot go wrong with this book! Do you suffer with really bad GERD? (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Then here is the answer for you. A low carb diet stops the entire acid reflux problem and allows you to once again live a normal life. No more angling of the bed, no more waiting three to four hours after your nightly meal to lay down, no more PILLS! You can live normally again and even enjoy your wine or cocktails without agony of reflux. This is the key...carbs are sugar makers...when you digest carbs it makes lots of gas...the gas blows open the lower esophageal sphincter...and you get reflux. Without the carbs...no gas, no reflux. This is simplifying the process immensely, but it's the basics. And here's the other great part of this diet to control this disease. You can cheat and still feel good. Once a week I have a huge baked potato with butter and sour cream and no reflux results. I also have a small piece of bittersweet chocolate every other night...no...


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