The Alzheimer's Diet: A Step-by-Step Nutritional Approach for Memory Loss Prevention and Treatment (Volume 1) Special Offers

The Alzheimer's Diet: A Step-by-Step Nutritional Approach for Memory Loss Prevention and Treatment (Volume 1)

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Well, after doing a bunch of research and reading the reviews below and in other places, I chose to buy The Alzheimer's Diet: A Step-by-Step Nutritional Approach for Memory Loss Prevention and Treatment (Volume 1). Though I 'd have liked a better warranty, I decided the functions were appealing enough to try it. It is a bunch of money to get rid of if it falls short simply after the guarantee. I am entirely in love with this product. It is high quality item, smart features. I simply got it today, and I will upgrade my review later on if required.

The Alzheimer's Diet: A Step-by-Step Nutritional Approach for Memory Loss Prevention and Treatment (Volume 1) Details

Harvard-trained Neurologist, Dr. Richard Isaacson and renowned nutrition expert, Dr. Christopher Ochner team up to create this ground-breaking nutritional guide for individuals concerned about memory loss. In recent years, there has been an explosion in research on nutritional interventions for Alzheimer’s prevention and treatment, which is considered to be the most severe public health crisis of our day. These specific dietary interventions present new hope for individuals concerned about memory loss, and also have rapidly expanding scientific-evidence to support their effectiveness. Based on empirical evidence, The Alzheimer’s Diet outlines what to eat, what not to eat, and highlights a step-by-step approach for improving memory and protecting the brain through diet.

This groundbreaking book can benefit anyone concerned about memory loss but has been written especially for patients, caregivers, family members, and allied healthcare professionals. When it comes to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and memory loss in general, everyone can and should be using dietary strategies as part of a comprehensive prevention or treatment plan. For decades, the medical community has recommended dietary management as part of the therapeutic plan for many other chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Those at risk for and diagnosed with Alzheimer’s can begin adjusting their eating habits today and have a positive impact on their memory function for years to come.

This book is a summation of the science behind Alzheimer’s nutrition and the experience that the authors have gained in applying this knowledge over the last fifteen years. Dr. Isaacson and Dr. Ochner have recommended this approach to countless patients, caregivers, audiences, and even their own family members. The authors have appeared widely in the media, including the NBC Today Show, CBS, ABC, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, US News and World Report,, WebMD and Univision.

Until a cure is found, the best we can do is to try to prevent and fight AD by using as many effective tools as possible. Although none of these tools will by itself prevent or cure AD, research now shows that diet is one of these essential strategies. Modern science is teaching us that adopting a very specific brain-healthy diet may be a very powerful tool in preventing and treating memory loss. This book is a how-to guide for doing just that. Get informed and get equipped to join the fight!

Sample Chapters:
“What Is Alzheimer’s Disease and How Can Diet Help?”
“The Alzheimer’s Epidemic: Food Intake, the Brain, and the Carbohydrate Connection”
“Dietary Strategies and the 9-Week Diet Plan”
“Grocery Shopping”
“Restaurant Eating”
“Parties, Peer Pressure, and Other Challenges”

This book outlines a comprehensive and scientifically-based approach that includes the detailed 9-Week Diet Plan, recipes, and an example brain-healthy weekly menu. Also included are lists of the best and worst brain foods, instructions on how to read and what to look for on nutrition labels, and a food terminology guide. In addition, the available medications, supplements, vitamins, and medical foods that have been shown to help in Alzheimer’s prevention and treatment are discussed. Finally, The Alzheimer’s Diet includes access to the Alzheimer’s Disease Nutrition Tracking System (AD-NTS). The AD-NTS guides users through The Alzheimer’s Diet 9-Week Diet Plan, helps organize and understand brain-healthy dietary habits, track progress, and provides vital information for healthcare providers.

The Alzheimer's Diet: A Step-by-Step Nutritional Approach for Memory Loss Prevention and Treatment (Volume 1) Features

If you are trying to find a The Alzheimer's Diet: A Step-by-Step Nutritional Approach for Memory Loss Prevention and Treatment (Volume 1), so i high recommended this hot product to you. I bought this hot item at a price that offers in United States of America.

The Alzheimer's Diet: A Step-by-Step Nutritional Approach for Memory Loss Prevention and Treatment (Volume 1) even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Alzheimer's diet book
Great book! Highly recommend!!

My husband and I are creeping up on our 60's and growing concerned as there is a family history of this terrible disease on both sides. We both just finished our first read-through and are now reading it again as we both start the diet. Really great book overall; my husband and I are both floored by how much we have learned from reading it. We really appreciated that the authors are up front about the fact that this is not a miracle cure and that any diet takes effort- indicates that they're not just peddling something to make a buck. Also loved the fact that the things they recommend are based on science as opposed to somebody's opinion (there's so much garbage out there!). As a result, my husband and I are both super excited to begin our new brain-healthy lifestyle! Thanks!!

Look at Other Purchaser Review
Great information for caregivers
I am a registered dietician and certified nutritionist working on an assisted-living facility with many Alzheimer's patients. With over 10 years experience with the population. I honestly didn't expect to learn a lot from this book but wow was I wrong. Not only did I learn a ton but I lent my copy to our lead physician who said he's even learning a lot! I'm really impressed and highly recommend this book to anyone caring for individuals with Alzheimer's.

Thankful for finding this book
Since my aunt was diagnosed two years ago (first with "MCI" and now "early" Alzheimer's) my family has tried a variety of treatments. Searching on facebook, I found out about this book. As a nutrition student, this new approach to the treatment of disease is uplifting to myself and my family.

This book paints a very complete and easy to understand picture of all of the recent research. It's also interesting to note that many of the dietary recommendations are relevant to all of us, with or without AD. The last section of the book is specifically geared for treatment but much of the book is also geared for reducing Alzheimer's risk.

It is my observation that the authors of this book deeply understand the importance of a well-rounded and comprehensive approach to Alzheimer's care, and have made a complicated topic quite easy to understand and apply. Please do yourself a favor and buy this book!


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