The Cantin Ketogenic Diet: For Cancer, Type I Diabetes & Other Ailments Top Deals

The Cantin Ketogenic Diet: For Cancer, Type I Diabetes & Other Ailments

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I got this item about 2 days ago and am really delighted with the item. I had an The Cantin Ketogenic Diet: For Cancer, Type I Diabetes & Other Ailments and I would never purchase once again. So far so great. Cannot be even worse than the The Cantin Ketogenic Diet: For Cancer, Type I Diabetes & Other Ailments Also if you registered it on line you got an additional 2 months guarantee.

The Cantin Ketogenic Diet: For Cancer, Type I Diabetes & Other Ailments Description

This book is about my son's journey with type I diabetes and my own journey with aggressive breast cancer. It is about how I linked type I diabetes with epilepsy and how this helped me link cancer with epilepsy as well. I modified the traditional ketogenic diet used at Johns Hopkins Medical Center to treat epilepsy. I then used my own version of the diet to make my breast cancer tumor disappear in about two weeks. It is also about using my modified ketogenic diet for my son who is a type I diabetic, and him being able to eat without needing any insulin and without doing any calorie restrictions. This is my diet of hope -along with the research that comes from my heart- that I am sharing with you. "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." ~Hippocrates

The Cantin Ketogenic Diet: For Cancer, Type I Diabetes & Other Ailments Features

If you are looking for a The Cantin Ketogenic Diet: For Cancer, Type I Diabetes & Other Ailments, so i highly advised this hot product to you. I bought this hot item at a price that offers in United States.

The Cantin Ketogenic Diet: For Cancer, Type I Diabetes & Other Ailments even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : High-Fat, Low-Carb Nutrition To Beat Cancer And More!
When cancer survivor and ketogenic diet health proponent Elaine Cantin received the devastating diagnosis that she had breast cancer, her doctors wanted to put her on an aggressive treatment of chemotherapy to deal with it. But this didn't sound good to her at all after watching many of her own family members go down this same road with little success. When her tumor continued to grow in size, Elaine's doctors insisted on emergency surgery and radiation treatments. But she had been already been learning about the ketogenic diet for epilepsy and began implementing her own modified version of this nutritional plan. Within weeks, her tumor shrunk and shrunk until it completely disappeared. Her oncologist was stunned and declared her cancer-free.

After seeing the tremendous success her ketogenic diet had curing her breast cancer, Elaine decided to start using her diet on her son with Type 1 diabetes to see if they could reduce his dependence on insulin. When he sticks with the...

What Other Purchaser state?
Inspirational story and further support for therapeutic efficacy of the ketogenic diet
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" and that is exactly what Elaine Cantin describes in this book.

Elaine describes a personal journey about developing and testing a modified ketogenic diet for cancer treatment. She developed guidelines for a healthy and palatable ketogenic diet that has remarkable healing properties. This book is a helpful resource for anyone interested in using a healthier version of a ketogenic diet for cancer prevention/treatment, epilepsy and neurological disorders associated with impaired brain metabolism (e.g. Alzhemier's disease). Elaine has identified many potential food allergens (dairy, soy, gluten) and designed a diet that eliminates these foods.

I highly recommend this book.

I also recommend "Cancer as a Metabolic Disease" by Professor Thomas Seyfried..

and "Alzheimer's disease; What if there was a cure?" by...

Amazing story of hope and miracles!
I could not put this book down. It is a wonderful story of a patient and mom and sister (Elaine is all three) taking charge of health and healing for herself and family. I would recommend it to anyone who suffers with cancer or diabetes. The book is very practical and helpful for those with cancer and diabetes. It also has a wonderful miracle of her sister's healing using coconut oil. Amazing book and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to know more than what conventional medicine has to offer.


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