The Raw Cure: Healing Beyond Medicine: How self-empowerment, a raw vegan diet, and change of lifestyle can free us from sickness and disease. Top Price

The Raw Cure: Healing Beyond Medicine: How self-empowerment, a raw vegan diet, and change of lifestyle can free us from sickness and disease.

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The Raw Cure: Healing Beyond Medicine: How self-empowerment, a raw vegan diet, and change of lifestyle can free us from sickness and disease. Details

People are finally catching on. There is no way around the fact that the consumption of meat, eggs, the variety of products made from dairy, and foods containing toxic chemicals and refined ingredients trigger the most common diseases afflicting humans. While we remain fearful of nuclear accidents, wars, floods, fires, tornadoes, typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes, and car crashes, the truth is that the vast majority of people in commercialized civilization are more likely to die from the symptoms resulting from their dependence on prescription drugs, living a toxic lifestyle, and making poor dietary choices. Chief among those bad choices are eating meat, dairy, eggs, refined and fatty foods, and foods containing synthetic chemicals. Meat, eggs, and dairy products are not ideal food sources for humans. We have simply been lied to by the multi-billion-dollar industries that are responsible for producing these low-quality foods, as they continue to profit from products that are the result of the mass-breeding, mistreatment, and killing of harmless, sentient beings that can feel pain just as much as we can. The truth is that eating meat, dairy, eggs, and refined and chemically-altered foods is deleterious to our health. The common degenerative and chronic diseases we are afflicted with today are directly linked with the food choices we make. By eating more raw fruits and vegetables, removing animal products and junk foods from our diet, and making healthier lifestyle choices we will soon find that we no longer need the vast amount of what we call ‘healthcare'. We will drastically reduce the costs associated with surgery and our dependence on toxic, synthetic chemical drugs. Incidence of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and obesity will plunge, and we – and Earth – will be much healthier. Rather than choosing to be ignorant of the truth, it is time for us to take back our health, empower ourselves, gain compassion, and quit contributing to these acts of cruelty we call ‘animal farming'. Doing so will greatly reduce our use of fossil fuels that are destroying life on Earth. Using medical studies, and reliable scientific research, the author provides strong evidence that the link between nutrition and disease is more paramount than we once believed it to be. This book exposes the truth, and will guide you on your journey to take back your health.

The Raw Cure: Healing Beyond Medicine: How self-empowerment, a raw vegan diet, and change of lifestyle can free us from sickness and disease. Features

If you are looking for a The Raw Cure: Healing Beyond Medicine: How self-empowerment, a raw vegan diet, and change of lifestyle can free us from sickness and disease., so i highly suggested this item to you. I bought this hot item at a price that offers in United States.

The Raw Cure: Healing Beyond Medicine: How self-empowerment, a raw vegan diet, and change of lifestyle can free us from sickness and disease. even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : A MUST READ for any human who consumes food!
I have become a dedicated and profound fan of the detailed, well researched, unique, and proven dietetic cures and advice that Jesse contributes at no charge on his Facebook Group called "The Raw Cure." ( He is an amazing human being and anyone who follows him has come to know this in very short order.

Now he has compiled a book of his unique, food intake oriented cures for disease, discomfort, and ailments and it is nothing short of phenomenal. It's indexed well and covers such a wide range of subjects that everything of interest is covered. I could not find gaps even though I'm sure there must be some. He writes in an easy to comprehend style but slides into nutritional science-speak so effortlessly that I find myself finally understanding the underlying reasons why my body behaves like it does for the first time. He leaves no contention unsupported and his bibliography offers the concrete foundation that many readers will...

Various other Purchaser Pointing out
Raw Cure
This book was very informative and covered a lot of important topics and answered a lot questions and misconceptions about proper nutrition. It was great motivation to eat better and live a healthy active lifestyle. And a lost a few lbs unintentionally while reading it because I was making small lifestyle changes and I will be telling everyone this is a must read.

The best book of 2012! Everyone can benefit from reading this
The Raw Cure is most certainly a must-read for everyone that cares about health and well being. Easy to read, captivating information and evidence backed by scientific research makes this book and all around awesome read for all kinds of people.

Whether a person is looking to heal oneself from sickness and disease, wondering how/ why an organic, raw vegan diet has such a profound impact on our lives, or someone who simply wants to maintain a healty lifestyle, this book offers so many answers and advice on how to achieve all these goals and more.

Knowing the author personally, I see that Jesse has a passion and caring for the well being of all sentient beings. His facebook group The Raw Cure has consistently given me such valuable information and great recipes by caring individuals.

This book is the best I have read in correlation to the truth behind changing our lifestyles and stepping away from the meat, dairy and pharmaceutical industries.


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