Best Seller Autism By Hand

Autism By Hand

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Autism By Hand Details

"I never wanted to write this book. I can’t write this book, it hurts too much. But I have to because this book wasn’t there when I needed it. It’s not a human-interest story or a self-help book or an instruction manual on how to raise an autistic child. It’s simply a well-thought out laundry list of everything I did to help my daughter be the best person she could become and I did it in the dark because this book wasn’t there for me." from the Introduction

Autism By Hand Features

If you are searching for a Autism By Hand, so i high advised this hot item to you. I bought this item at a price that offers in United States.

Autism By Hand even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Inspiring and real
I'm not a mother. I'm the father of two wonderfully "normal" young men. I cannot begin to imagine what the mother of an autistic child, or any special needs child, endures 24/7/365 for life. But I am eternally grateful to Lorca Damon for sharing her life. Autism By Hand offers an honest, sometimes harsh, look at how one mother learned to care for her autistic child. The author warns her readers there will be no sugar coating, just real and raw strategies that work with her daughter.

The author likens her role to being on the edge of a cliff, holding tight to her daughters hand as the child hangs precariously over the abyss. There is no time for sugar coating or self pity, only positive action. She offers that positive action in a beautifully written narrative that inspires both laughter and tears. I read over half the book at one sitting, unable to put it down.

Though the book is written as a guide to mothers of autistic children, or any caregiver for that...

Hear The Reviews from Other Purchasers
Thank you, Jesus, for sending me this book.
As a teacher who works with special needs children, I have felt at times like a blind man on a Manhattan sidewalk. Without a dog. Or even a red-tipped cane. There are a million theory-laden textbooks on autism available to me, and another million "I'm okay, you're okay" feel-good tomes. Neither of these serves as much help when I am responsible for getting a screaming, non-verbal, 175-pound pound young man, one who recoils when touched, through the jam-packed hallways, past the shrieking fire alarm, and out the school's front door. Good God, give me guidance.

My prayers were answered when I found Autism by Hand. I have never before seen such a practical, pin-pointed guide on how to help a special needs child. Rather than vague, swooping suggestions, this book gets into the nitty-gritty. It told me that, in order to communicate with an autistic child, I should get some mirrored, wrap-around sunglasses, because "the glasses...block out a large portion of the overwhelming...

A Must Read
The Saturday before my birthday, I spent lying on my sofa reading, Autism by the Hand by Lorca Damon. Since honestly is an important component of it the follow needs to be stated before I go any further: this review is going to be completely and totally biased. I am the sister and extremely proud auntie of people living on the spectrum.

Like the author of this book, I have read a lot on autism that left me with way too much technical information and not enough practical advice. Like the author, I am also an educator. Theories are great, but give me something I can use in my classroom or with my family. Something that you have tried and seen results from. It may not work for me, but it certainly feels a lot better than taking blind stabs in the dark. Or worse, reinventing the wheel, only to discover that someone else did it better.

Since I began teaching, I have always worked with at risk populations. My first job was in a mental hospital educating sexual...


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