Getting Well Top Price

Getting Well

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We just bought this Getting Well, using the discount and the free of cost shipping. Made it the very best cost on the internet when we bought it initially of this month. after doing a great deal of research and checking out the reviews somewhere else. I got this product about 5 days ago and am extremely pleased with the item, So far so excellent. I am entirely in love with this Getting Well, It is a high quality product and having clever features.

Getting Well Details

Contents: What is Health; The Rationale of Disease; Compensation in Disease; Law Governs Disease; Physiology vs. Voodooism; The Story of Useless Organs; The Fun of Being Sick; How to get Well; Why Drugs; Quick Relief; Killing our Children; Curing Arthritis; Peptic Ulcers; What are Tumors; Curing Gallstones; Diabetes; Varicose Veins; Asthma; Warts; Influenza; Who's on a A Diet; Food cures; Vitamin Failures; When to Eat; Growing Old; Diseases of Middle Life; plus more.

Getting Well Features

If you are searching for a Getting Well, so i highly recommended this hot item to you. I bought this item at a price that offers in U.S.A.

Getting Well even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Anti-Medicine
This outspoken book is a repudiation of medicine and "the whole drug system." There is only one possible cure for any illness, says Shelton, and that is removing the cause. Drugs do not remove the cause. It is the body that cures, not inorganic drugs. Treating symptoms with drugs is "like applying an ointment to the foot in which a tack is sticking instead of removing the tack." Medicine is voodoo, not science. Symptoms should not be suppressed. They are "manifestations of an inherent principle of the organism to restore healthy function."

Shelton shows how to identify and remove causes. He believes in fasting. If he has a cure-all to offer, it is fasting. Fasting equals rest for the body. Fasting corrects the enervation and toxemia which are the roots of disease.

This is more than a book; it is a plan for living. Read it and you will understand how far we have strayed from nature's path. The chapters are short, understandable, and packed with wisdom. He...

Look at Other Buyer Review

Read this,if you like to be a healthy, wealthy and happy.
You are lucky to have an oportunity to buy and read the books by Herbert M.Shelton. I am searching for a sponsor to get Mr.Shelton's books for a voluntary library with a free access which I like to establish. It will be a Library Of Active Health.


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