Best Price The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book

The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book

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The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book Description

Hundreds of new recipes for dishes that taste terrific but stick to the diet rules so important for controlling M.S.--now completely revised to conform to the latest medical research.

The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book Features

If you are searching for a The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book, so i highly advised this hot item to you. I bought this hot item at a price that offers in U.S.A.

The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Swank Diet Works For Me!
In 1995 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I had a MRI done of my brain and there were lesions present, and many neurological symptoms. I saw double, had light sensitivity, had problems with walking and my balance. I began studying this book and immediately went on the Swank Diet. My saturated fat intake went under 15 grams a day (he allows 20 max) and no more than 5 grams of fat at a serving. I used his tables to compute the fat - this meant that an egg counted for 5 grams, and no red meat or milkfat for the first year of the diet. Immediately I felt much better. Now, my neurologist is amazed at my condition. My neurological symptoms are pretty much normal. I take no other medicine for the MS, and I feel great. I recomend the book and the cookbook which is included. Ask your MD and follow his advice- but I don't think this diet could hurt anyone unless they were way underweight. The diet allows up to 60 grams of liquid oil each day which makes it easier to handle...

Other Buyer Pointing out
It Changed My Life
I was diagnosed with MS in 1990. My wife and I found this book almost immediately. We both have medical backgrounds. This book made sense. All my neurologist offered was testing and drugs. While the high dose steroids did alleviate my symptoms I knew there had to be more that I could do. Because of the information in this book I made lifestyle changes. Initially we left off all meat and meat products. We left 1% milk ,eggs and low fat cheese on our diet. We maintained total fat grams to less than 30/day. We both started an active exercise programm and just as importantly got plenty of rest. ( early to bed early to rise so to speak). Over the years I have modified the diet. I pretty much eat what I want now except I have not started eating meat again. Today after 10 years I do not have any significant residual effects from MS. I drink plenty of water everyday. I have not tried any of the new medical treatments for MS. Because of "The Multiple Sclerosis Diet...

26 Years on the Swank MS Diet
I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1974 based on extreme fatigue, numbness, deafness in my left ear, dificulty walking and loss of color vision. I was emotionally devastated by that diagnosis but I had the good fortune to discover Dr. Swank's published research in the medical library at the University of Michigan. I ordered an earlier edition of the book and started on the diet right away. I also traveled some distance to see Dr. Swank and he confirmed the diagnosis but gave me a very optimistic prognosis. I followed the diet very strictly and my symptoms improved rapidly at first and then more slowly over a couple of years until I was comletely well. Since then I have been perfectly healthy. I have stayed on the diet and kept up with more recent editions of the book. The recipies are very good but the main value of the book is in explaining the theory behind the diet and Dr. Swank's results with thousands of patients.

Dr. Swank was way ahead of the majority of the...


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