No More Heartburn: Stop the Pain in 30 Days--Naturally! : The Safe, Effective Way to Prevent and Heal Chronic Gastrointestinal Disorders Special Discount

No More Heartburn: Stop the Pain in 30 Days--Naturally! : The Safe, Effective Way to Prevent and Heal Chronic Gastrointestinal Disorders

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No More Heartburn: Stop the Pain in 30 Days--Naturally! : The Safe, Effective Way to Prevent and Heal Chronic Gastrointestinal Disorders Details

Are you plagued by heartburn, indigestion, irritable bowel or colitis? If you merely mask symptoms with drugs and fail to find the underlying causes, you set yourself up for the inevitable: more serious diseases like chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, resistant depression, auto-immune arthritis, allergies to molds, foods and chemicals, and even cancer. Or are you stuck at a healing impasse, unable to get better? Since the gut houses over half the immune system and over half of the body's detoxification system, an unhealthy gut is what holds many back from ever getting well. It doesn't matter what your diagnostic label is. What matters is what keeps you from having a gut healthy enough to enable you to heal. For if the gut isn't healthy, you don't have a hope of completely healing anything else. Don't treat heartburn as a Zantac, Prilosec or Tagamet deficiency. To do so can lead to esophageal or stomach cancer, understandably on the rise. These medications turn off the acid secretions of the stomach that enable you to absorb essential healing nutrients that also protect you from other diseases, as well as premature aging. Learn what your chronic indigestion is trying to tell you. With drugs, the sick get sicker, quicker. Don't let anyone tell you that you have to learn to live with it. This book explains the symptoms of the gut, from mouth ulcers to anal itching, from indigestion and constipation to the nastiest colitis, then tells you how to diagnose the real causes. Next it spells out in superlative, unparalleled detail the large variety of choices you have for healing, for there is no monopoly on ways to heal. No other book has as many meticulously detailed options. Or have you been battling Candida, unable to get rid of it once and for all? Learn what is missing to stave those relentless sugar cravings and brain fog. If you are chronically unwell, it is time for you to heal from the inside out. For the road to health is paved with good intestines.

No More Heartburn: Stop the Pain in 30 Days--Naturally! : The Safe, Effective Way to Prevent and Heal Chronic Gastrointestinal Disorders Features

If you are seeking a No More Heartburn: Stop the Pain in 30 Days--Naturally! : The Safe, Effective Way to Prevent and Heal Chronic Gastrointestinal Disorders, so i high recommended this product to you. I bought this hot product at a price that offers in U.S.A.

No More Heartburn: Stop the Pain in 30 Days--Naturally! : The Safe, Effective Way to Prevent and Heal Chronic Gastrointestinal Disorders even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Simple, Effective Methods of Permanently Stopping Heartburn!
Did you know that taking antacids (even prescription acid blockers) can make your heartburn worse? If you didn't know that, reach for this book instead of your medications the next time heartburn strikes.

For years, I suffered from bloating, gas, acid stomach, acid reflux and all sorts of other unpleasant side effects. I'd just about given up hope when I first read about Candida yeast infections. Then, examining my diet, I realized that I might have a stomach and intestinal tract full of Candida. I followed a Candida elimination diet . . . and kissed all of those symptoms good-bye . . . never to return.

The advice in this book is the best single source I have seen on how to diagnose why you have heartburn and related symptoms . . . and how to treat yourself without medications to restore a healthy balance to your system.

We are taught by advertisers to think that acid in our stomachs is the enemy -- not true! Acid in our stomachs is the first line...

Exactly what Various other Buyer claim?
Just do it!
When I ordered this book, I really held out little hope that it might help me. I was experiencing worsening reflux, despite H2 blockers, and I had a long history of daily GI distress. I don't really expect anyone (myself included) to swallow the theories of causation of GI problems put forward by the author, but she is quite correct about some things.

The book is quite comprehensive in its discussion of GI ailments and detailed methods of therapy. I remain skeptical about the author's theories of underlying mechanisms of disease, but I can not argue with the results I've gotten from following her advice.

If you are suffering from a chronic GI problem, I strongly recommend you buy this book and make changes in your diet. You might be surprised at the results. I was.

This Book Really Works!
As a traveling musician I ate a lot of junk food, drank a lot of lattes and ate many meals at odd, often late, hours. Needless to say, I ate a lot of Tums too.

I had been suffering badly for maybe a year, to the point where I was literally losing my voice, before I finally went to see a doctor. His diagnoses was acid reflux and he prescribed Prilosec. For how long? Forever.

Besides the expense, I didn't want to be on medication if there was the possibility of a cure. While looking through books in the Health section I came across this one. The title certainly spoke to me ... "No More Heartburn." What did I have to lose? I bought it and followed it.

I was totally blown away when the diet in this book actually cured my acid reflux!! And I lost 10 pounds to boot. The week the burning actually went away seemed like a miracle. I just could not believe that it was actually gone! I was so thrilled that I began telling anyone I saw popping an antacid to buy...


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