The 7-Day Acid Reflux Diet: Cure Acid Reflux, GERD and Heartburn NOW with the Easy to Follow Lifestyle, Diet and 45 Mouth-Watering Recipes Best Buy

The 7-Day Acid Reflux Diet: Cure Acid Reflux, GERD and Heartburn NOW with the Easy to Follow Lifestyle, Diet and 45 Mouth-Watering Recipes

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The 7-Day Acid Reflux Diet: Cure Acid Reflux, GERD and Heartburn NOW with the Easy to Follow Lifestyle, Diet and 45 Mouth-Watering Recipes Explanation

Acid Reflux Exposed!

Maybe you don't realize it, but in the next few moments you're going to learn how to take control of the pain and discomfort you've been experiencing for such a long time.

You know the uncomfortable burning sensation in your chest. The fear of eating a decent meal, and the inconvenience of having to always have antacids with you.

In his book Robert offers you a proven step-by-step approach to gradually decrease the need for antacids, while safely eliminating the causes of acid reflux and so ensuring relief.

In this book you'll:

  • Find out how to check if what you're experiencing is acid reflux, or something more serious.
  • Uncover what factors are responsible for your GERD
  • Discover little-known symptoms of acid reflux (these might surprise you)
It's a fact that not only adults suffer from acid reflux, but children and even infants too. What if your child or a child you deeply care about suffers from this painful condition? This is your opportunity to gain the knowledge that could make a difference.

You'll learn:
  • How acid reflux can turn deadly, and the steps you can take to prevent this
  • Serious and debilitating complications you should know about
  • How using conventional treatments could be putting you at risk for more threatening health conditions
You probably already know that conventional treatment only serves to mask the symptoms; and in this book you'll discover how you have more control over your well-being than just popping a pill. Instead of masking your symptoms, rather uncover the true causes.

The further on you read, you'll begin to understand how essential it is to be armed with this knowledge. You'll learn some simple strategies that can help you quickly improve heartburn and acid reflux, including an Emergency 7-Day Treatment Plan to have you feeling better within just one week.

A little taste of what you'll discover:
  • 7 trigger foods
  • How to fight GERD with bacteria
  • How fun, relaxation and a little time for yourself can help relieve GERD
  • and much more ...
Everything is outlined for you, step by step, complete with menu plan and 45 surprisingly mouth-watering recipes.

Drift back in time to when eating was pure pleasure, with no pain or fear to go with that. Imagine what it would be like if you could eat a meal without having any discomfort. What will this mean for you?

Fact. Acid reflux won't get better by itself, but you have in this book all the know-how and tools to get amazing results.

To ensure your well-being and the well-being of those you care about, get your copy now!

The 7-Day Acid Reflux Diet: Cure Acid Reflux, GERD and Heartburn NOW with the Easy to Follow Lifestyle, Diet and 45 Mouth-Watering Recipes Features

If you are searching for a The 7-Day Acid Reflux Diet: Cure Acid Reflux, GERD and Heartburn NOW with the Easy to Follow Lifestyle, Diet and 45 Mouth-Watering Recipes, so i highly advised this product to you. I bought this product at a price that offers in USA.

The 7-Day Acid Reflux Diet: Cure Acid Reflux, GERD and Heartburn NOW with the Easy to Follow Lifestyle, Diet and 45 Mouth-Watering Recipes even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : How to finally cure my Heartburn!
I've suffered from heartburn since the birth of my first son - 30 years ago. The information Robert provided about GERDS really hit home. I manage to deal with my heartburn by taking Tums, but I realize I've only been dealing with the symptoms rather than the cause. This book provides the steps to achieve a total lifestyle change that can help me rid my body of GERDS forever.

I've started to keep a Food Diary, as suggested, to understand my triggers. I never realized that my asthma could be a symptom of GERDS as well. I am a runner, so I am part way there with Robert's recommendations on exercising and stress management. But I often jog right after a meal, and now realize that this, along with late night meals, is a prime reason for my heartburn.

My Kindle was an ideal way to read Robert's book. It allowed me to bookmark certain sections and my favorite recipes that I plan to try.

Overall, I would highly recommend this book. It is a quick read with...

Various other Purchaser Claiming
It saved me from a lot of pain
Of all the illnesses that exist out there the one I'd never thought I'd suffer from was GERD, since I didn't even know its name, nor its symptoms, or anyone who suffered from it for that matter. But that's exactly what I was diagnosed with, after I've spent quite a lot of time in pain; a pain that seemed to come and go at odd times and in irregular order.

Its most common symptom and the one that my body suffered from, was an extreme pain in the chest. At first, when it presented itself, I thought that my heart was acting up, since we have a long history of heart disease in my family, but as I soon came to understand I suffered from gastroesophageal reflux disease, which, believe it or not, I may have inherited from my father. Genes, as it seems, are everything, and they carry the past with them wherever they go. My father felt some pain in the chest every now and then as well, but he wasn't too worried about it, since it wasn't extreme and he was a smoker. I, on the other...

The Shotgun Approach to GERD Treatment
In this book, Robert gives an excellent overview, and step-by-step plan for getting rid of your GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease).

What do I like about it?

A few things:

1. I'm a naturally inquisitive person. Like a 4-year-old, I always have to know "why?" This book satisfies that itch. A lot of books just tell you what to do without telling you the reasons why it works. This isn't one of those.

2. As mentioned in the title, it's a shotgun approach. Which means that it's comprehensive. Many practitioners opt for just a single way of managing a condition. This book gives you suggestions on nutrition, supplementation, exercise, stress management, and alternative therapies. Combine all the advice in this book, and there's just no way that you won't get better.

3. It attempts to solve the root cause of GERD. It doesn't just cover up the symptoms.

And not to leave you hanging, there are even 45 great GERD-friendly...


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