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Bipolar Disorder For Dummies

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I did have some issues after checking out some of the prior testimonials prior to purchasing the unit. After using the unit now for time I can say I've had zero concerns and the unit has actually carried out exquisite. We simply purchased this Bipolar Disorder For Dummies, making use of the discount and the free shipping. Made it the very best price on the web when we purchased it first of this month.

Bipolar Disorder For Dummies Details

You probably want the 2nd Edition of this book.

Bipolar Disorder affects many more people than just the 2.5 million Americans who suffer from the disease. Like depression and other serious illnesses, bipolar disorder also affects spouses, partners, family members, friends and coworkers. And, according to the Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation, 15% of children diagnosed with ADHD may actually be suffering from early-onset of Bipolar Disorder.

Bipolar Disorder For Dummies reveals some of the causes and consequences of bipolar disorder, let you in on some crisis survival strategies, and describe ways that friends and family members can support loved ones who have the disease. The book includes an overview of the causes and symptoms of bipolar disorder, explains step-by-step how to obtain an accurate diagnosis, discusses the medications available, and tells what you can and can't do to help someone with the disease. You'll learn:

  • The different categories and potential causes of bipolar disorder
  • How to select the right mental health specialist
  • Managing employment-related issues brought on because of the disorder
  • How bipolar disorder affects children
  • Advocating for yourself or a loved one
  • Planning ahead for manic and depressive episodes
  • Selecting the best medications for you--including alternative "natural" treatments
  • How to survive an immediate crisis situation
  • Identifying triggers and mapping your moods
Complete with fill-in-the-blanks forms and charts, key web site and email addresses, and first-hand accounts from real people, Bipolar Disorder For Dummies gives you the latest information and self-help strategies you and your loved ones need to help everyone affected feel a whole lot better.

Bipolar Disorder For Dummies Features

If you are looking for a Bipolar Disorder For Dummies, so i highly recommended this product to you. I bought this product at a price that offers in U.S.A.

Bipolar Disorder For Dummies even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : If you don't want answers, don't buy this book!
BPfD is succinct and practical, offers clear explanations of the disease and its pain. Written from perspective of both patient and loved ones, it is not frightening, falsely cheery, or professionally overbearing. Gives How To lists for pre- and post-diagnosis.

Great book, with an appropriate sense of humour too. I rate it a "must buy".

Other Buyer Saying
Good information but not-so-good suggestions
This book gives basic information on Bipolar Disorder - the physiology of it, the various medications available (and possible side effects), and some alternative/additional treatments.

I found the book to fall apart, however, when it came to their suggestions of how to make changes in your life to make recovery better/easier. A person would have to live in an ideal life in order to put their suggestions into place to the degree they outline. They presume that you have (or can get) family and friends who can/want to be a support system for you, and that you can take the time to just step back from regular life and focus on your recovery.

But, in real life, the people I know who share a BP diagnosis rarely have family or spouses open to taking on a significant supportive role, open to getting into counseling, etc. Single parents - or parents in general - will find it difficult to put 90% of the authors' suggestions into their lives.

They also...

An Excellent Sour For Information
Even though I was dx-ed 8-years ago and know a lot about manic-depression, this book had a lot of good information in it that I wasn't aware of. It is also a good handbook for my fience so that she knows how to deal with my moods and how they effect her moods.

If your fulmiliar with they typical "Dummies" type book and how easy they are to follow along, and you are Bi-Polar, or a loved one is, then this is the book for you. Easy to read, quick to learn. A Very well written book. I give it an "A+" rating.


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