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Osteoarthritis: Preventing and Healing Without Drugs

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Osteoarthritis: Preventing and Healing Without Drugs Explanation

Osteoarthritis affects over 20 million Americans and is the most common degenerative disorder in the United States. It causes more disability than any other degenerative disease and is occurring in epidemic proportions in our country.

In this novel approach to understanding and treating osteoarthritis, orthopedic surgeon Peter Bales highlights the nutritional connection to this painful and debilitating condition. Dr. Bales focuses on new genetic research, which shows that the same poor nutrition responsible for causing increased inflammation in our bodies, along with epidemic rates of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, is also fueling the development of osteoarthritis. Among the topics discussed are the following:

The mechanisms by which our joints become destroyed. The culprits are increased inflammation, increased oxygen free radicals causing our joints to "rust" from chronically elevated blood sugar levels, and hormonal imbalance.
Dietary strategies to decrease the production of oxygen free radicals and to turn off genes that lead to cartilage breakdown.
Joint nutrients that can combat osteoarthritis and specific dietary recommendations for the treatment and reversal of osteoarthritis based on the most current genetic and nutritional research.
The disadvantages of treating osteoarthritis with drugs and the exciting promise of using nutritional intervention that directly affects the expression of our genes.
The only book to emphasize the link between poor nutrition and this often-disabling disease, Osteoarthritis: Preventing and Healing without Drugs offers hope for arthritis sufferers and will be of interest to anyone concerned about good health.

Osteoarthritis: Preventing and Healing Without Drugs Features

If you are searching for a Osteoarthritis: Preventing and Healing Without Drugs, so i high advised this item to you. I bought this hot product at a price that offers in U.S.A.

Osteoarthritis: Preventing and Healing Without Drugs even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : more evidence that our nation's food habits are wrong
Osteoarthritis is one of those disorders which, like hypertension, you don't notice until a lot of damage has already been done. So for many this book will come too late. The word healing appears in the title so maybe in cases that are not too far advanced it is possible to arrest and/or reverse the damage.
As I read the chapter on metabolic syndrome, I got to thinking that symptoms associated with it: 1. increased abdominal fat 2. increased blood fat -- triglycerides greater than 150 mg/dl 3. decreased HDL 4. increased blood pressure 5. increased fasting blood sugar -- greater than 110 mg/dl may be too high to warn of impending arthritis. Instead, it might be better to tighten those readings and use them as alarms that go off when they even approach the high end of "normal". For abdominal fat, for instance, getting down to one half inch or less should be the goal rather than below forty-inch waistline. Bales doesn't say that, but I just did. Bales is a physician and maybe it...

Look at Various other Purchaser Testimonial
This book was helpfully in educating me on what was happening with my situation. My back began to ache a few months back and I have been in physical therapy as well as had a shot for the pain. This book explained what was happening and helped me change some things in order to help my situation.

So, it's all about obesity & I'm far from obese. All about nutrition & I'm virtually vegetarian. Now I'm really confused. ????????????????


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