Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer: A Comprehensive Program for Prevention and Treatment SALE

Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer: A Comprehensive Program for Prevention and Treatment

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Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer: A Comprehensive Program for Prevention and Treatment Description

More and more people who have been diagnosed with cancer or related illnesses embrace alternative medicines, and seek out holistic practitioners who use vitamins, herbs, nutrition, homeopathy, and acupuncture to treat the disease. This long-awaited book by Donald Yance--one of the nation's most respected herbalists--is a major contribution to the literature of natural healing and cancer.

Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer: A Comprehensive Program for Prevention and Treatment Features

If you are trying to find a Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer: A Comprehensive Program for Prevention and Treatment, so i highly suggested this item to you. I bought this item at a price that offers in United States.

Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer: A Comprehensive Program for Prevention and Treatment even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Brilliantly helpful herbalist
This author has rave reviews from cancer patients in my area. I have gone through breast cancer treatments with this author's help, one year after my mother died of breast cancer (most breast cancer is environmentally caused ). I am doing very well. I also learned of a man with prostrate cancer who was cured with Donald Yance's help; he wrote his story in the local newspaper. In my opinion he is brilliant and a very loving human being who had so many cancer patients that he wrote a book to make his infomation available to others. I am so very grateful for his help and recomend this book as a first choice resource.

Pay attention to The Testimonials from Other Buyers
A cooperative working relationship between "allopathic" physicians and "naturalists" is long overdue in my opinion, and my opinion ought to be worth something. I am a physician with 25 years experience in cancer medicine and I have board certifications in internal medicine, medical oncology, hematology, and radiation oncology. Mr. Yance's book is a step in the right direction, and I feel it is a worthwhile reference for any physician who is interested in the nutritional welfare of his patients. The book is far from perfect, however. For example, Mr. Yance overstates the risk of carcinogenesis from therapeutic radiation, presents site-specific side effects such as dry mouth as if they were general effects of radiation, underplays the value and effectiveness of radiation for common adult tumors such as breast cancer, and claims benefit for herbal or nutritional remedies for side effects of cancer treatment even when they have been shown to be ineffective in clinical trials...

Book Review
Several times in the course of completing a 4 year degree in Phyto Medicine I came across the work of Donnie Yance. He is well known for his work in treating cancer with Herbal Medicine. This book provides an excellent insight into his experienced approach and use of Herbal Medicine as an adjuvant to "conventional" treatment. Clearly influenced by the great American physicomedicalist, Eli G. Jones (who treated many cancer patients in the early 20th century - when Herbal Medicine was the conventional medicine), he brings the historical evidence base & treatment approaches up to date and expands upon them in the light of modern scientific research.

For the layperson looking for a reputable source of information on Herbal Medicine in cancer treatment & prevention, this would certainly be one of the books to read. As well as being eminently readable for the layperson it is also sufficiently referenced with primary sources for the use of medical practitioners.



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