Macrobiotics for Life: A Practical Guide to Healing for Body, Mind, and Heart SALE

Macrobiotics for Life: A Practical Guide to Healing for Body, Mind, and Heart

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Macrobiotics for Life: A Practical Guide to Healing for Body, Mind, and Heart Description

Macrobiotics for Life presents a complete, holistic approach to health that can be applied to the body, mind, and soul. Combining the concept of a healthy, natural-foods lifestyle with a philosophy of self-love, macrobiotic expert Simon Brown explains how food, exercise, and bodywork can create greater physical health. Written in an accessible, easy-to-understand style, the book takes readers through simple steps beginning with thought, exercise, and diet, and shows how to bring macrobiotic practice into everyday life. Topics include healing the mind (letting go of assumptions and judgments), healing the heart (listening to one’s emotions), and healing the body (caring for one’s skin, energizing one’s organs, and creating a healthy digestive system).Brown offers extensive information about macrobiotic foods—tips for eating out, saving time in the kitchen, dealing with food cravings—and a variety of menu plans to help readers get started, including a time-saver weekly menu. A full range of nearly 100 recipes provides the essential resources for experiencing macrobiotics, and sixteen striking color photographs illustrate meals that are both delicious and nutritious to help readers see the variety of options that are available.

Macrobiotics for Life: A Practical Guide to Healing for Body, Mind, and Heart Features

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Macrobiotics for Life: A Practical Guide to Healing for Body, Mind, and Heart even better than expected - highly recommend!!!

Most Underlined Buyer Review : Comprehensive Approach to Macrobiotics
Just published in August 2009, this is a 353-page classic reference for all those interested in macrobiotics (MB), especially for those who want to transform their lives, but don't know where to start. The psychological foundations of both lifestyle change and consistency are expertly presented. If you went macro decades ago but still have psychological issues to deal with, this is the book for you. If you know someone who meets that description, this is the book for them -- especially if they're the type that are hard to buy gifts for. This book traverses so many everyday nitty-gritty issues with a healing focus, expert guidelines and exercises, and an abiding compassion. In essence, with this book, and despite the age of anomie in which we live, your MB journey will no longer be taken alone.

Macrobiotics For Life also contains major sections on healing the body, macrobiotic principles, practical advice, the special needs of babies and children, menu plans, recipes, and...

Other Buyer Stating
Macrobiotics- A Natural Wonder
Macrobiotics for Life by Simon Brown
Publisher- North Atlantic Books
Review by: Dr. Joseph S. Maresca

A main premise of the book is that good food, moderate exercise
and bodywork are conditions precedent to good health.
Body healing should happen through the skin, organs and the
digestive system. Death literally may begin in the colon.
So, eating foods rich in fiber are helpful in promoting colorectal

There are a number of psychological aspects to maintaining
good health; such as, self love, a willingness to change in a
constructive manner and commitment to worthy goals.

The author mentions specific foods which promote health,
as well as foods that simply don't . We should consume
sea veggies, tofu, hummus, olives, herbs, mild spice, water
and herbal teas. We should limit junk food and foods which
promote a high glycemic index. Low glycemic foods are
apples, hummus,...

Been there done that
Brown's a good writer, knowledgeable about his subject, and a prolific author with a really fantastic publisher and editor. However, this book is not nearly as useful IMO as his earlier Modern Day Macrobiotics, which was a fairly practical primer--this title has too much filler, too many discursive side issues. At times it seems like a thank-you speech at the Oscars or Tonys, with nods to the macro fringe like Phiya Kushi, Bruce Paine, etc., and of course there's an endorsement of the book on the back cover from his own sister. His earlier book, Modern-Day macrobiotics, is more sensible and down to earth, and Brown thankfully pulls away from Kushi's claims that macrobiotics can heal every disease there is, including cancer--the macro community seems to be gradually disconnecting from those assertions, profitable though they may be. Brown moves into some foods that were discouraged by Kushi et al--tomatoes, yoghurt, etc. There are many other writers on the subject who offer more...


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